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About Us



Our Team here at Gretna Wholesale Auto have Pledged An Allegiance to Bringing YOU,Our Valued Customer ,The Best and Most Quality Vehicles That out Team Of Skilled Buyers Can Obtain, and then Proceed to Offer those Vehicles To you at a MORE than reasonable and Discounted Price!
A Value that Most of our Competitors will find it hard to even
Offer a Comparable Price!...
So we Want Even Discuss Beating Them!
Talking About Our Prices...Not Our Competitors -lol..

...Then Again....


Just Come On By and see Us
We'll take care of You Guys...


Oh, And Tell E'm
BIG CAM Sent for Ya!

Yall Be Good Nah




Cameron Jones
Cameron Automotives..
A Division of
CamTimeSolutions Inc.

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